Small Dick Big Dreams Unisex Hooded Sweatshirt

Sport Grey
Irish Green
Light Pink


Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to be bedazzled by the 'Small Dick Big Dreams' Unisex Hooded Sweatshirt. This ain't your average piece of attire. It's the epitome of comfort and warmth, merging suave design, exceptional quality, and a dollop of cheeky boldness. 

This fashionable pullover doesn't merely exist to fill your wardrobe. No, no, no. It's an emblem of your audacious character, a conversation starter par excellence, and a loud and proud statement to the world. 

Tailored from a lush blend of 50% cotton and 50% polyester, this sweatshirt offers a cosiness that's soft to the touch and warm to the core. Weighing 8.0 oz/yd² (271 g/m²), its medium-heavy fabric is your ideal companion on a brisk day, swaddling you in a cocoon of snugness. 

But let's not forget style. It boasts a classic fit that graces every body type, complete with a roomy kangaroo pocket for sheer practicality and a drawstring hood that matches the colour of the sweatshirt to add that extra zing.

Worried about durability? Fret not. The cotton-polyester synergy ensures this hoodie retains its pristine shape, even after countless washes. And the hood, my darlings! Designed with a matching drawstring, it's where fashion meets function.

Say adieu to pesky tags, thanks to a nifty tear-away label. For added convenience, this sweatshirt runs true to size, helping you find your perfect fit without breaking a sweat.

The 'Small Dick Big Dreams' Unisex Hooded Sweatshirt isn't merely an item of clothing; it's a testament to your unique style and persona. Wear it with pride, let your style make a statement, and let the world know that you're someone who isn't afraid to dream big, darling!

  S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL 5XL
Width, in 20.08 22.05 24.02 25.98 27.99 29.92 31.89 33.86
Length, in 27.17 27.95 29.13 29.92 31.10 31.89 33.07 33.86
Sleeve length from center back, in 33.50 34.50 35.50 36.50 37.50 38.50 39.50 40.50